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Cranial osteopathy is a very gentle form of treatment that encourages the release of strains and tensions in the body which may be slowing down your body's ability to recover. 


It is so gentle that it can even be used to treat babies and children, but can be very effective on anyone of any age. 


Cranial osteopathy is perhaps better experienced than explained, as there are many different ways of using cranial osteopathy to treat different tissues in the body depending on the patient's needs. 


I have trained for seven years in cranial and biodynamic osteopathy. I treat some patients entirely using these methods but also commonly use it in combination with other forms of osteopathy to get the maximum benefit for my patients. 

If you would like to read more about cranial osteopathy, please follow this link to the Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy, who provide a significant proportion of post-graduate training for all cranial osteopaths. 

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