Body for Life Osteopathy, Kendal, Cumbria
Effective treatment for back pain, neck pain and much more
What do Osteopaths treat?
Regular care and maintenance treatment
We only get one body to last for our whole lives, so taking time to care for and fix problems as they arise can be an investment well worth making.
Many of my patients, having experienced treatment and getting on the road to recovery, decide to attend regularly. This can beneficial in helping to manage long term conditions, for example: back ache, neck pain and headaches, for example, which can be often an ongoing occupational hazard or, unfortunately, just a fact of life as we get older. I also routinely treat generalised body tension and tight and sore muscles, as well as specific long terms issues such scoliosis, arthritic joints and migraine prevention.
Body for Life was founded on the principle that your body must last you a lifetime. Take care of the parts, get help when you need it, and function better throughout that life.